The Mayabek Educational Community was born as a 100% active and alternative educational proposal for its daily teaching and learning methodology, which is based on sensory experimentation, constant movement and exploration of the environment, to develop talents and skills.
In August 2007 it opens its doors to the three preschool grades and establishes the difference with the "constructo movimiento" method and the unique proposal of complying with all the characteristics of an active school that can have a regular academic program.
In 2009, it integrated the maternal level, creating two grades that strengthen the safe and happy integration of the little ones into school life.
During the following years, Mayabek also positions itself as an inclusive and adaptable school for all types of families, as it covers all learning styles and respects the rhythms of each student, while offering activities and situations that allow them to find, develop and overcome their own talents and abilities.
In August 2016 Mayabek celebrates its ninth school year with the opening of the Primary level, adding to the methodology the "Emprender mi vida" program, with which students enjoy, build and exercise qualities of entrepreneurship and management of financial terms necessary for life.
In 2019 we integrated the music and body percussion program to the primary level.